Sunday, June 6, 2010


They call me prolific

I’ve been churning out blogs lately and I’m not sure why. I am not good at letting things go, but I have to let this Hum miss go. The problem is that I really wanted to see a show at Pritzker Pavilion cuz it has has those crazy speakers suspended above it, and I figured that a rock show would sound really awesome there. Well HUM is Rock! And I like them. Plus they are kind of spacey and atmospheric and I figure that would best demonstrate the sonic capabilities of the venue. Hence my inability to move on from the miss. There are some other shows coming there that I’m def not as hyped about, but I’ll prolly check one or more of them. I also wanna bring the kids over there cuz it’s free family entertainment. I think they would dig just hanging out in the field with all the speakers, and playing catch or something. That’s my plan anyway. That was the plan for Monday, but the Hawks game got in the way. Bummer that the Hawks didn’t win last night cuz they would’ve had a stranglehold on the Stanley Cup, and now I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous.

On to train misfits. I shouldn’t say the guy is a misfit, because even though he uses a walker and wears Velcro shoes, he might be like the coolest guy ever underneath the façade. I came to an interesting conclusion today. I think yesterday I was wondering what stop the guy gets on at. Well as luck would have it, he gets on at my stop. He gets in at the front car, probably to limit the amount of walking he has to do from the train to the station upon arrival. Today I got to experience his ascension up into the train. I have to admit, I was a little jealous that he got to ride the crane and I didn’t. I was also a little annoyed about waiting, cuz when they bring the lift down, it blocks off one entry so basically all the people have to cram into the other entrance. I hate the inefficiency and get annoyed when I’m bottlenecked like that. I got over it though. I didn’t see where the guy went to sit, but I’m thinking I might have to sit down with him and find out what his deal is. I know, I know that I still need to find out what the PDA couple’s deal is, but maybe I need to work my way up to that. I think I need to find out what this guy’s deal is, and here’s why. I don’t think he has cerebral palsy, so now I’m def intrigued as to how he lost the use of his legs, or why his leg use is severely limited. I also wanna know what he does for a living, where he lives and if he’s ever had sex. I’m a little hesitant about how to approach this guy. At least with the PDA couple, I could just admit that I am curious. With this guy though, I don’t want to come off as using him. Like get to know him just for the story and then blow him off. Which is probably about how it will go. I think that’s hurtful, so I’m def hesitant to do it. I’m sure the guy would appreciate the company, who knows, he’s probably a heck of a guy. To be continued…

I dunno what it is about miscreants and train stations; maybe it’s just the cattle call nature of it all. It’s like we’re all cattle shuffling off to our various pens or whatever. So when we’re all making our way, certain people look normal, and others stand out. Today I saw a couple at the train station in the basement of our building. It was a random dorkish balding dude and he was helping a woman (his wife?) make her way to the station and she definitely had some kind of ambulation issue, i.e. she walked funny. So she had some kind of issue and needed this dude’s (husband’s) assistance to get where she was going. They looked fairly odd, typical bizarre fashion and sheltered appearance, like they don’t get out much, except to go to work. I don’t remember what my initial thought was on them, other than that I’ve seen them before, but I guess I thought “there’s a nice couple.” One of the things that crossed my mind was that they looked like they were well matched, but that’s almost not accurate. I definitely thought that it appeared to be a situation that you see all too often. A guy who is basically normal, but has somehow been forced to choose a less than ideal woman because that’s the best he could do. Or maybe not the best he could do, but he’s such a wuss that he can’t do any better, and “what the heck, Shirley ain’t all bad, or she was the first woman to say hi to me” or something. Then I thought maybe old Shirley is wild in the sack. Stranger things have happened. Maybe dude has that little smirk on his face cuz he knows people are thinking “what’s he doing with her?” and he also knows that they have a great time in the apartment every night and most people stumble through life without real sexual fulfillment. Whoah, can of worms. Did I just say that? Sexual fulfillment? Wow. What a subject. That’s one for another day. I’m gonna have to do some research on that one. I’m gonna leave these two alone and simply consider them the most sexually fulfilled couple in the train station. The PDA couple will be the couple most likely to achieve sexual fulfillment on the train. Go out there and find sexual fulfillment.

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