Wednesday, July 14, 2010

the usual

Ever since I was a high school idiot, I’ve had a lot of crazy thoughts and viewpoints. The one that I’ll stick by to this day, is that Rover is the best name for a dog. It’s cute, it’s descriptive, and it’s classic. Dogs rove, that’s what they do. Rover has a nice ring to it. I’m pretty sure if the kids beat me down and I cave and buy a dog, I’ll name it rover, or insist that it be named rover. I assumed that although Rover is a bit old school, that it was still a popular dog name. I thought wrong. It’s not in the top 60 according to some made up statistic I found on the net. That is shocking to me. Scooter was ahead of rover. Have you ever seen a dog scoot? I would think that if a dog scooted, it would need some salve and a trip to the vet. If you must know, Max was number 1, and Buddy was number 3. Buddy, chalk one up for the lazyasses that don’t have the wherewithal to name their pet, great job guys, you made it to 3. So anyway. Yesterday, I was thinking about what the best cat name would be. I was thinking about cats because my boss sent out an e-mail that was titled “The SEC’s CAT.” I was like, wow, the SEC got a Cat? Mary Schapiro is really making herself at home over there. So I was trying to guess what the SEC would name their cat. I came up with…drumroll please…Boots. I think boots is the best name for a cat much like Rover is the quintessential name for a dog. Now I know you’re saying that a cat has to have different colored paws to be named boots. I disagree. That’s cat stereotyping and it’s wrong! Any cat can be named boots. All you have to do is buy some inappropriate rubber rainboots and put them on the cat. Boots. If you must know, boots was 18 on the list of cat names.


Speaking of things that are wrong, I am really torn about something that I saw yesterday. I was walking to the train on Adams, which is a very crowded street at 5pm every day. The sidewalks are crowded with commuters like me cruising to the train. Well yesterday, they had some protesters out there. They were protesting abortion. I don’t like abortion. I love babies and I don’t like the idea of babies being killed. I’m not going to get into it any more than that. That is my personal opinion, it’s not the current law, and obviously women have the right to choose under the current law. Ok. So the Pro Life people were holding up huge 6 foot placards and on the placards was a picture of a dismembered baby. It said something like “An abortion after the first Trimester.” I really had to avert my eyes, because I can’t look at it. There were other pictures that looked equally gruesome. I’m just not sure about that tactic. I know it’s offputting and makes the point, but why not go the completely opposite route? Why not show cute babies and say, Abortion is bad. I just think that when you get out there with a very polarizing image, it undermines your objective. It’s very easy to attack the campaign if it is as extreme as the one I witnessed yesterday. I think people like myself who are otherwise pro life might say, I don’t agree with abortion, but I also don’t agree with the pro life campaign I saw yesterday. The thing that really weirded me out was that the people holding up the signs were like 16 year old girls. Pretty much all of them. I really, really wanted to interview one of them. I would’ve, but I had to get to the train. I really wanted to know what I always want to know…what their deal is. This cute, regular looking, 15-16 yr old girl is holding up a giant placard depicting a dismembered baby. What is her deal? Why is she doing it? Because her mom told her, or her church, or her pastor? Is it because she really feels that abortion is so horrendous, that any means necessary to shake the public consciousness awake is acceptable. Somehow, I don’t think it’s the latter. I’m thinking her mom, or other mentor has dragged her into the cause. I doubt she would admit it in an interview, and I doubt she would’ve said anything other than “get out of here.” Still, it was weird.

Phew. Let’s change gears again. PDA couple. So today, I got the gumption to stand right next to the PDA couple on the platform. They were touching as they practically always are. Man had his hand around woman’s waist and he was talking. He was telling a story and I couldn’t make it all out. It involved dude rummaging through some woman’s closet, was it his daughter and he was looking for drugs? Was it his wife? Was it his sister, mother, aunt, or other female? I dunno. The train came and I was so bummed cuz I wanted more info. The other wonderful thing that I heard was…I’m pretty sure I heard her call him “bunny.” I’m pretty sure. The other thing I garnered, not that this is at all revelatory, was that they are definitely in their own world. I know this is obvious from their excessive PDA, but even their speech, their mannerisms, you name it, they don’t notice anyone else around when they are together. I’m feeling a little like a puss cuz I should approach them and find out what their deal is, I should’ve asked that protester girl what her deal is, and then the physically challenged dude. I can’t decide if it’s better drama to drag it out like I am, and give little snippets of information, or just ask all the questions and move on. I’m thinking it’s the former. We’re all voyeurs on this one, and I think we like it that way (meaning you, the reader, and me, not me and my imaginary friends, although they’re in on it too). I don’t think we want all the answers in one lump, we want little snippets, little lights flashed into the empty room. I could be wrong. But if I get all the answers, that will be it, and I can’t talk about the PDA couple anymore, or it wouldn’t be nearly as fun, or interesting.

That’s it. You can go about your business. Me and my imaginary friends are gonna play parcheezi.

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