Monday, July 26, 2010

It just doesn't matter

I had the best dream last night. I’m really trying to figure out why it was so refreshing. It went like this…I was sitting on a hillside (I think) with my children. We were all just hanging around. I think it was evening, late afternoon, still light out. Then much like in Built To Spill’s “Randy Described Eternity” a sphere came into view on the horizon. It looked like a planet that had come into our atmosphere. It looked like another earth. IT was only a few hundred feet off the ground. As it got closer I could make out more of the details. It’s hard to say if it was supposed to look like a planet, or if that was just the most efficient way for it to be, hence it looked that way. I think it was green, or it was reflecting the green from the Earth, it had a river looking design that looked like a large river breaking off into little rivers. In the upper left hand corner it had a sort of camera that looked like a ball-in-socket configuration. The camera was swiveling in the socket and looking at us on Earth. Then the ship sent out reconnaissance (spelled right first try) spheres that were just metal with the ball-in-socket camera in them. I think my kids and I understood the enormity of what was going on, we were being visited by aliens, but we weren’t scared. It was good. I think after a while we did get scared though, or other people were panicking and that caused us to panic. We got in the car and started driving, things turned weird and that’s all I remember. When I woke up, I felt really good about it though. I don’t know why.

I was probably dreaming about aliens because I saw a movie about aliens over the weekend. I pretty much spent the weekend doing 2 things. Well I guess 4 things. Working out, laying around, watching movies, and updating itunes. By far, the best thing I did was watch the movie District 9. I’m not a movie recommender, ask people who know me, I’m very very critical of movies and rarely do I see one that moves me. District 9, maybe it didn’t move me (I was just quoting PE), but it definitely sucked me in, which is not easy to do. As I look back on it, I can shoot some holes in the premise, there are things that happen that defy logic. What I mean by that is people react in ways that I don’t think people would actually react. For me, this is the toughest hurdle to get over, and a movie has to suck me in to get me to ignore the inconsistencies, most movies don’t succeed. This one did.

I don’t feel comfortable talking about the other 2 movies I watched in the same paragraph. Zach and Miri (make a porno) and Year One. Z and M was pretty ok. It was interesting to see how Jason Mewes has changed since Clerks, not necessary to see his full frontal though. Kind of a disappointment that Katie Morgan was the porn star in it, well the one who was naked the most. She has an HBO show where she’s pretty much naked the whole time, which kinda makes her nudity in the film a non-factor. Def have to mention that she has one of the weirdest boob jobs I’ve ever seen, they’re huge, but they sort of square off at the bottom, or diagonal off. I don’t know what you call that, it’s not bad, she has a great body, it’s just very different. My main problem with Z and M is that it wasn’t funny. I thought the jokes were lame. I have to break down and admit that I did kind of like the story. I liked the characters and the performances by Seth Rogan and Elizabeth Banks were solid enough to draw me into the story. One element that was present in both Z and M and Year One, that I think can go right back where it came from (???) is the scat humor. For those of you that don’t know what scat is, it’s humor (or whatever) that involves fecal matter (poo). I really don’t want to get into it. I don’t find it funny and I do find it revolting.

Year One. I have to admit that Year One had its moments. It definitely made me laugh out loud a couple of times. Jack Black and Michael Cera were decent foils and a good bit of their exchanges were humorous. The woman who played the princess was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I have no idea what her name is. The guy that played Cain (Cain and Abel) was really funny. I can’t recommend the film, but it had some funny parts and if you happen to catch it part way through and you have nothing else to do, then watch it.

I would be remiss if I didn’t comment on the joys of itunes. Oh how I love being inextricably tied to software as unyielding as itunes, oh how I do. Well normally you’d be able to simply drag and drop the files from one folder to another to transfer music. Not so with itunes. I can’t find the files on the computer to drag and drop. I did manage to get all my emusic downloads and transfer them to my new computer. Then I transferred my itunes folder, but there was a ton of stuff missing. Like 10 gb of music. I really, really, did not want to have to reburn all these cds. I started to do it and I was getting like maybe 10 an hour, if I had the wherewithal to sit there for an hour. I had to get the files off of the other computer. So I hooked my hard drive to the other computer and all I could think of doing was to highlight the songs right in itunes and drag and drop them into a folder on the hard drive. This is a fairly long and annoying process, but not nearly as long and annoying as reburning all my cds. It took about an hour, but I got all the music into a folder on the hard drive. The next question was whether this would work. I had a sneaking suspicion that although the files were dropped onto the hard drive, they would still map to the original computer making them useless on another computer. Par for the course with Apple. To my surprise, the files actually transferred and I managed to get them onto my laptop. Score. I think all my music is going to be successfully transferred to my new computer by the end of the week. Not too bad. I also spent a ton of time removing bad files from itunes and basically cleaning up the repeats and everything. So I’m just about fully functional for all my music needs. One bonus that was unexpected. A lot of the music that I transferred was stuff that I never listen to. I just have it for a rainy day. Well I ended up accidently dumping all my transfers into my ipod. I just went with it and I’m rediscovering a bunch of awesome stuff. A few names…The Stone Roses, Black Flag, Sludgeworth, Naked Raygun, Guided By Voices, and Archers of Loaf.

Sorry this is so long and boring. This blog is sort of a microcosm of my weekend. Although I did get out to Taste of Lincoln last night. I met a bunch of people over at Lillys. Lillys brings back a lot of memories…sort of. Memories of not having any memory. It didn’t seem like Lilly’s is still the hotspot it used to be. Back in the day people would hang there. It would be stupid packed and everyone would be drinking long island Iced Teas. The bar says there are 10 shots in every glass. Not likely. But these things are a one way trip to blackoutsville, that’s for sure. I used to tangle with them. In fact, back in the day, we would get pitchers of long islands and after two, you’d be drinking and completely lose track of how many you had until everything went black and you woke up the next day. I’m a parent now, I work, I have obligations, I have no desire to tangle with the Long Islands anymore, but my friends did tangle. I think they got fairly messed up as we lost contact and couldn’t regain said contact even though we all thought we were in the same place. Some thoughts on the night. Perfect weather. Great band at Lillys, I could’ve (and should’ve) stayed there and just listened to them. It was nice and cool, we had way comfy seats and a short trip to the bar for egregiously overpriced beers. I think the band was called TAXI. They were good. I’d check them again. Alas we left the soft bosom of Lillys for the harsh reality of the Soul Asylum show. The reality of Soul Asylum was that the bass player must’ve blown the sound guy, cuz all you could hear was bass. I think if you interviewed the bass player after the show he would have said “That’s the way the music is supposed to be.” It’s not. The bass was overpowering everything else.

As I stood there unable to meet up with my other buddys, I got into a conversation with my buddy’s brother. It was very interesting. I told him that I was exchanging e-mails with this woman who went to Michigan, blah blah, and he said you’re not following Dr. Love. I was like, “what?” He said that Dr. Love tells you not to text or e-mail ever, unless it’s to get the girl’s phone number. Once you have the phone number, you only call her to set up a date. I know the point, and I get it, that quite often, women lose interest in a guy that seems too eager. I could go on for days, this is not a new concept by any stretch of the imagination. Woody Allen put it best when he said, “I would not want to belong to a club that would accept me for a member.” It’s a self esteem thing. This is a crazy can of worms, and I’m not Dr. Love and I don’t follow what he is teaching. The one thing that I can’t change, and I don’t want to change, is who I am. The thing is, that I want a woman to accept me for who I am (that sounded lame). I’m not a cast member from the Jersey shore. I don’t get a girl’s number at the bar and then laugh about it with my friends and rip it up. I’m not a player. Dr. Love is teaching men how to be players. He is giving them the attitude, or at least showing them how to make women think that they have the attitude. That’s all well and good. I’m sure a lot of men buy into it. I just don’t want a woman to like me because I come off as being something I’m not, and I don’t want a woman who doesn’t want me for who I am. It’s like, I don’t want a woman to be into me because she thinks I can get another woman who is hotter than her. Who thinks like that? It’s a game that I don’t want to be a part of. Once again, it’s a self esteem boost for the other party, and that’s it. She’s not into me, she’s into stroking her own ego by saying she got me away from the other woman. That’s lame. I def agree that you don’t want to come off as desperate, but if you want a good match, you have to present yourself honestly.

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