Sunday, July 12, 2009

Buckner Ball!!

I love coming to amazing realizations about seemingly trivial or mundane things. I came to one recently that I would like to share with you. Everyone has heard of Hershey’s kisses and I’m sure they make Hershey’s more money than any of their other products. It seems like such a bizarre idea, and you think, “what genius came up with this idea to put chocolate in that form.” The other day I realized that a Hershey’s Kiss is just a giant chocolate chip. Some goof was prolly making chocolate chips on acid and he just made them giant because he was hallucinating.

This brings me to another concept that I’ve grappled with in this blog and elsewhere. Is the best art conceived and executed under the influence of substances? I know Van Gogh was a user and Mozart was always hammered. Pink Floyd and basically most rock music was made under the influence. Does the mind need to be expanded in order to create art that is mindblowing? I don’t think Salvador Dali did a lot of drugs. Or if he did, he did it early. I guess you can either do a lot of drugs, or just be nuts, one or the other in order to be a successful artist.

Maybe drugs would help me be a better trader. I had a tough week last week. Prolly just first week jitters. I guess I can’t complain cuz I get paid a salary. I was trying to feel my way around the trade. It’s not an easy trade. Sometimes it stays in a range and sometimes it breaks out and goes running. The problem is that when you are trading, you don’t know if you are in a range or not, so you get whipsawed around, or run on depending on what you are doing. It’s tough. It’s a grind. Oh well, it’s back to work tomorrow. Fun times.

I went to the Old St. Pats block party on Friday. It was pretty fun. Back in the day we used to drink like fish at the thing, this year, not so much. You get 5 drink tickets with your admission, I don’t think any of us had 5 drinks. All they served was bud and bud light and I hate bud. I had one and dumped half of it out. For the rest of the night I drank Barefoot wine. It tasted like some had soaked their bare feet in it prior to pouring it in my glass. Actually it wasn’t bad, much better than bud. Collective Soul played and I recognized some of their songs. They weren’t bad. Gavin DeGraw was the headliner and I have no idea who he is. He sorta reminded me of Ben Folds or something, he played the piano. His music didn’t do much for me. I’ll tell you one thing, if you are single, you should go to the Block Party. Oh my!!!!! There were a ton of babes there. I guess there were dudes too, but jeez the ratio seemed like 2 to 1 and I didn’t see many women that weren’t worth a second glance. I was with a couple of single guys. One of them looked like he was making some progress with a young lady.

I’m taking my son to see Green Day tomorrow. That should be fun. He loves GD. I hope they put on a good show. I hope they don’t play much of the new album. I’m sure they’ll rock the house. I heard from someone that they are playing a long show, so we’ll get our money’s worth. I hope it doesn’t go too late, I gotta get my beauty sleep.

My daughter is playing a munchkin in the Wizard of Oz which starts this week. That should be fun. I hope she enjoys it. It’s a big time commitment, so we’ll be glad when it’s all over. I’m anxious to see the thing and see the other performers. It’s a major production, so the other actors are serious. We’ll see what happens.

Went to the Cubs game yesterday. Lots of babes there. You gotta love cubbie, they pack in the honies. The cubs won, they had to hold on. I’m not a big Cub fan, so I didn’t really care. After the show we went to Red Ivy, which serves the world famous Palermo’s pizza!!!!! Delicious. Then we slid out to Sheffields, which was kind of a bummer cuz two of the people bailed. I was hoping to have like 5 beers there, but I just slammed a quick one and then cruised. Oh well.

I got home in time to watch a movie. Gattaca. I have been meaning to see that movie for a long time. It was pretty cool. I guess I wasn’t in the “blow the premise out of the water” mood, but it was pretty far fetched. Like they can rewrite your genetic code but they can’t cure paralysis. The guy had to wear contact lenses, they couldn’t correct his vision. Tough premise to make hold up, but it was kinda good. I got tired of the guys swimming out to see. I just don’t get why they had to swim out to sea and prove the stamina thing twice. That’s total overkill. I didn’t get the point the first time. I totally knew the other cop was his brother, you had to know that. I don’t buy that they wouldn’t have recognized each other. It was a cool movie though. Food for thought.

Alright I gotta go and read this book on trading. Maybe it will teach me how to make some money.

SLFTD: Answer me a question I can’t itemize I can’t think clear you look to me for reasons.
FMT: Eat my pie universe.

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